
Friday, September 15, 2023

Telemedicine Therapy - The Wave of the Future

 Video Counseling—Work with a Counselor or Therapist by Video

Online counseling is similar to in-person therapy, only instead of meeting with a therapist in-person, you meet with them via virtual means!  Video counseling improves accessibility, provides flexible scheduling options, and guarantees comfort. If you find these benefits appealing, online counseling might be a great counseling option for you. All you need is a reliable internet connection, a device such as a smartphone, laptop, or tablet, and a safe space to talk. Then, you’re all set to begin video counseling and experience its many benefits.

What Is Video Counseling?

Video counseling is a form of online counseling that allows you to work with a counselor or therapist in a virtual video environment! If you’re looking for mental health services, be it for yourself or your relationship, Omniphasic can provide you with treatment via video chat. There are other forms of online counseling too, such as telephone counseling. Telephone counseling involves working with a counselor by phone and is also an effective treatment option.

Video counseling provides clients with a comfortable and convenient experience. It removes uncertain and outright frustrating factors from the equation, such as a long commute time or traffic. You don’t have to worry about commuting to and from your appointment because you get to attend your session right from home. You can set your computer (or another device) up wherever you feel most comfortable. This is appealing to many people looking for mental health services, but it can prove especially beneficial to those who…

1. Don’t have time to commute to an office for their appointment(s)

2. Would prefer to work with a counselor from home

3. Can’t find a qualified counselor or therapist with the right skills nearby

If you are currently on a search for online counseling services, know that Omniphasic has counselors who provide video counseling (and telephone counseling, for that matter). Or, if you prefer in-person counseling or simply want to know that you have that option too, we can accommodate that need as well.

How Does Video Counseling Work?

If you do decide to explore video counseling, your Omniphasic counselor, therapist, or psychologist will send you a secure link to a private video chatroom. This chatroom is much like those you’ve probably used to have video calls with your friends! You will receive this link well in advance and then at the time of your appointment, you will click it to gain entry to your videoconference. Your counselor will meet you there.

In telephone counseling, you simply answer your provider’s call at the time of your appointment. If you value the face-to-face interaction that is characteristic of in-person therapy sessions, video counseling might be the superior online counseling option for you!

Omniphasic has been providing our clients with online counseling services, including both video counseling and telephone counseling, since the year 2020. We know that online counseling services are valuable, as they provide people with a solution to many of the obstacles they run into in receiving counseling. For example, they might struggle to find a counselor nearby who offers the exact service they’re looking for; others don’t have time in their schedule for commuting to and from another appointment. The good news is that online counseling allows people to find a therapist with the skills, training, and experience they’re looking for. It also enables those with busy schedules to attend an appointment from home.

What Are the Benefits of Video Counseling?

If you’ve never heard about or considered the idea of video counseling, you might be wondering, “Why do people choose video counseling over in-person therapy?” There are many benefits to video counseling, some of which are shared with telephone counseling and others that are specific to video conference sessions! We’ll delve into them below:

Accessibility: Video counseling enables you to meet with your counselor or therapist from home. This means optimal accessibility. You don’t have to worry about driving into the city, sitting in traffic, or commuting at all. You can literally attend your counseling appointments right at home, thanks to modern-day technology. A laptop, phone, tablet, or another device will allow you to join your virtual video conference. Just make sure you have an internet connection!

Reliability: As we just mentioned, make sure you have an internet connection. As long as you have an internet connection, you can rely on having your video counseling session. Unfortunately, sometimes with in-person counseling, certain external factors get in the way. For example, sitting in traffic can cause us to be late for an appointment and force us to reschedule. But you don’t have to worry about many of these external factors when it comes to video counseling.

Comfort: We keep reiterating a main perk of video counseling (and online counseling in general): the fact that you can attend your session from home. Why do we keep highlighting this perk? Because it means ultimate convenience and comfort. You can attend comfortably from your couch, seated at your dining room table, even from the cozy warmth of your bed. We don’t care. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible. As long as you are in a safe, quiet space that allows you to complete important work with your counselor, we are all for it.

Flexibility: In addition to the above benefits, video counseling also offers optimal flexibility in scheduling your appointment. Often, when we schedule an appointment at a doctor’s office, we have to wait weeks or even months to see the doctor. But with video counseling at Omniphasic, as well as telephone counseling, you can often meet with your therapist within a couple of days if not 24 hours.

Efficacy: To round out our list, video counseling is also an extremely effective approach to counseling. Several studies have shown that video counseling and other forms of online counseling are just as effective as in-person counseling. In fact, some people find video counseling to be more effective for them than in-person counseling. Often, these individuals struggle to open up when they’re in close proximity to their therapist. But thanks to the online medium, they are able to open up in video counseling and make valuable progress with their therapist.

In addition to the above, video counseling still allows you to have that face-to-face interaction with your therapist. This is the main difference between video counseling and phone counseling. If you value that face-to-face correspondence and prefer to have that in your online sessions, video counseling is likely the right online counseling option for you.

Schedule Video Counseling at Omniphasic

We set a high standard for our providers and only partner with the best of the best: those who have the skills, training, and experience to provide you with the high-quality care that you deserve. We’re confident that your counselor, therapist, life coach, or psychologist will provide you with this excellent care and in turn help you live a happier, more successful life.

If you’re interested in video counseling, consider scheduling an appointment at Omniphasic. Again, to get started with video counseling you’ll need to ensure that you have reliable internet connection, as well as a comfortable, safe space for you to talk with your counselor (preferably one where you won’t be easily distracted). If you can check those boxes, then you are ready to begin!

To schedule your video counseling appointment, 210-281-1585 or on our Facebook or LinkedInpage. You can then view our counselor and her bio, which lists her skills, specialties, and experience. We look forward to the chance to meet you via video!

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